About Me

Hi, I'm Jack (that's me on the right just down there!)

I'm 17

I LOVE music

I play guitar

My favourite films are The Blues Brothers, Shaun of the Dead, Ghostbusters, and Oceans 11

and I take Economics, Geography and MEDIA at A level!

The Finished Sequence

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plots - Choosing Actors

1. The Rectifier

Everyone deserve a second chance.

'A sci-fi thriller based in modern day New York, the film follows a middle-aged man sufering from total amnesia as he attempts to retrace his life, relying fully on an official government badge stating only his name. The man discovers he was part of a secret government organisation whilst finding his way inside a government building, but when found unrecognised, he is interrogated and misjudged to have forged his badge (the only way of entering the building) using the name of an existing employee of the organisation. After lengthy prosecution, the man and employee are discovered to be the same person through genetic testing, and little by little, the hlpe of the agency, the mans existance is uncovered to strangely br the future version of the current employee. In a shocking resolution, the man is forced to recapture his memories revealing a stunning truth - that he was sent back 2 decades in time to deliver a message to the present world and prevent the future from happening. The man is 'the rectifier', and holds all the answers the world needs to help maintain the existance of the human race.'

For this plot, I chose Bruce Willis to play the part of 'the rectifier'. I thought this because out of the choices we were given, he was the right age and seemingly most suited to the genre. He usually does action/sci fi films and therefore I feel he was a good choice. Also, Bruce Willis seems to attract a certain type of audience i.e. fans of films such as Die Hard or The Sixth Sense which revolves around a similar issue. Other options I considered were using Denzel Washington although also middle aged, I feel he would better suit a gangster or usual action/thriller. I don't feel he would have attracted the appropriate audience for the film. I also considered using Will Smith but felt he wasn't old enough. The tagline I came up with 'Everyone deserves a second chance' was inspired by the fact that he is travelling back in time to change the future i.e. giving the world a second chance. It is also about how he is let back into the organisation after being rejected as a forgery when he originally tries to findout who he is.

2. Dying to Know

You can't prevent the inevitable

'The film is about a woman in her twenties who is studying at university. She is very cynical about psychic powers, gypsies and anything associated with it. Her friend forces her to go and see a psychic lady. The lady predicts her death but she ignores this. The lady gets angry because of her cynical attitude and attempts to put a curse on her, but instead ends up transferring her psychic powers to the woman. At first she doesnt believe that she can see into the future but eventually comes to terms with the fact that she can. She finds it useful in preventing bad things from happening in her life. Then one day she gets a premonition of what she believes to be her friends death and does everything in her power to stop it and right at the end realises it was a premonition of her own death.'

For this film, I chose Angelina Jolie to play the part of the cynical woman. Although, admittedly, she is too old be a university student, I feel that a small plot change could work i.e. her being out of uni and at work. I can see this film being slightly thriller and slightly mystery orientated whereby the audience are shown the premonitions and she foresees her death in the end and then all the inevitable moments leading up to this. Angelina Jolie would be good for this as I feel she has played some mysterious characters i.e. Grendels mother in Beowulf. I feel as this character, she could make the character seem mysterious but whilst still being able to relate enough to the audience that they feel sympathy for her and are on the edge of their seats willing her not to be drawn to her death. The tagline 'You can't prevent the inevitable', I chose because it is what the entire film is about, things leading up to her death, although she foresaw them, she can't do anything to change it no-matter how hard she tries.