About Me

Hi, I'm Jack (that's me on the right just down there!)

I'm 17

I LOVE music

I play guitar

My favourite films are The Blues Brothers, Shaun of the Dead, Ghostbusters, and Oceans 11

and I take Economics, Geography and MEDIA at A level!

The Finished Sequence

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Actual Shoot Reflections

After the first real shoot, we discovered a few things that will need to be foxed on the next shoot

  • We have got to keep track of the shooting script and storyboard and not just decide on random shots - This could have saved us a lot of time that we spent just milling around and deciding there and then what the next shot should be.
  • We need to use the whiteboard more effectively. We struggled when we were trying to edit the clips to find which was the best take. This is also due to not using the shot log as much as we should have!
  • Stop messing around and wasting so much time! This was a MASSIVE problem. We had too many distractions there and we could have gotten so much more footage if we'd just been a bit more focused.
  • Have less helpers. This was really the main distraction. They really helped when we were moving the stuff in the basement at the beginning and end but during the shoot they didn't have much to do so tended to muck around which made us less focused.
  • We really need to make sure when we can move the stuff in the basement. We did it without asking and this resulted in some very angry caretakers! So we ended up having to move it back and then move it again later for the shoot.
  • We also managed to break a light filter. This was due to a combination of carelessness and stupidity. We ended up leaving the lights on unnecessarily for too long then when packing up, the filter was too hot to handle and its easy to tell what happened next...
  • OVERALL make much better use of the time we have and be a bit more careful with equipment.